365 Project

#365project #streetphotography #photoproject

Most people that know a photographer have heard them mention at some stage, the 365 project.

Basically it is a project to build up on your skills, define your style and most purely, a personal goal.

It requires a photo of every day for a year. It doesn't matter when you start, as long as you keep it going every day, and there is a flickr site for you to upload these images to where thousands of others are posting there own. I think because of the exposure, it makes you try to improve and try to put your best work out there.  I didn't need to go out every day just to do this, as I am out every day (usually at magic hour) running the kids around to training and sports, and if I wasn't, my target was the beautiful region where I live, of creek frontage, rainforest and just walking the dogs, camera over the shoulder.
Street photography was by far my favourite, though in the end my most popular images ( from others) were of the beach/sunset.

At least once a week I would venture out, either with my daughter who has an interest in photography, or alone, to target something a little different.
Most of the time I would be just driving past and the way something was lit up would catch my eye, pull over, get the shot, and continue on my merry way.

Rainy weather contributed to a lot of my favourite shots, like this huge puddle reflection.

These shots were from my front or back yard.

I think I learnt from this, my fav style to shoot is small depth of field, high contrasting shots, silhouettes if possible, black and white.

Its also cool to break the rules of photography, shoot into the sun, but don't make too many rules for yourself. I know some people do this and set goals like themes for each week e.g. reflections, shadows, fast motion subject etc but it would make it quite hard. Some days you just don't feel like being creative, but I found once I got into the project this went away completely.

Anyone can have a go at the project, and you can just do it without posting images for the world to see, you can set your own goals, whatever you want, either way you will learn something, use settings on your camera that you wouldn't normally use and have heaps of fun!!!!

Happy shooting!!!


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