Birth Photography - is it the new thing?

#birth photography #birth photographers #birth #birth photography cairns

Birth photography is fast becoming a popular choice. Some people are a little frightened of the subject, but its not all about the birthing moment. Above all, its about the human emotions we go through on this day, the day we become responsible for the little human we have created, the day we become parents!

A couple of years ago when I decided this was going to be MY new thing, I gave it a try, and LOVED it. Documenting a birth is possibly THE most rewarding subject I have ever photographed. Aside  from being on a high for about a week afterwards, the "post birth" work was also very rewarding.

Shooting the birth is the quickest bit.
I have not come across any technical problems during photographing births, UNLESS I am set up for low light which it usually is (high ISO, wide aperture, slow shutter) and then if a doctor needs to be present, they can turn on the brightest harshest lights, right at the very moment that things are happening and I mega quickly have to change ALL my settings to cater for this sudden light.

Making a movie from the stills and snippets of video takes awhile, especially trying to find the most appropriate MUSIC to go with the movie. It's the music that makes it, really. The song has to be uplifting as well as building in the high moments and soften in the right moments. It has to be the right length and preferably instrumental only. Occasionally I find a song that suits that does contain lyrics, but you have to be careful with lyrics and what they are saying.

Its not until I put together the music alongside the movie timeline that I begin to feel the magic.
If I don't cry the first time I watch it, then it's not good enough, time to look for a different song.
Looking for the song can take awhile, but since I have found I haven't looked elsewhere.

The length of the movie is also very important. If its too long it gets boring, too short and it's not enough. The entire experience can be a bit of a blur for those involved, so my job is to capture snippets of this experience, and blend them together into a beautiful story to look back on in years to come.

I would love to show some of my stories BUT as they are extremely private, I don't, unless its a marketing shoot.
I have a new addiction...

Here is some shots from my first birth story from a couple of years ago.


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