NZ landscape photography tour...hmm thinking of giving away the portraits, landscape never have bad hair days, haha, nor do they want you to make their arms skinnier!
Think we had too good a time over there.. anyway, not giving up the portraits just yet..
Heres Mt Cook area Southern Alps
Think we had too good a time over there.. anyway, not giving up the portraits just yet..
Heres Mt Cook area Southern Alps
Some arty ones with the tilt shift...
Drove through Lindus Pass, a very popular place for landscape photographers apparently.
There was a lovely guy there building a little lookout at the southern end of the pass, just so people could pull off the road safely and take photos back up the pass.
Wanaka - arose before the sun to get "a spot" down at the ridiculously popular Roys Tree at Roys Bay Lake Wanaka. And yes they came out in droves, 20 or so other photographers, but luckily did not get in our way. We were there for two hours, but not too chilly.
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